An example of one of my continuity sheets, one sheet is used for each shot. Camera information allows the camera crew to repeat exact set-ups should they need to match a shot taken later against this one. Continuity notes help the actors repeat their actions exactly during further takes whilst descriptions and logging tell the editor exactly what the shot is. |
At the end of each day a production report is filled in to let any members of production not present on set know what happened that day and what progress has been made. |
Each script is annotated in this way to see what dialogue is needed for each shot. |
The numbers on the left in brackets denote estimated timings. These are made by reading the script aloud and estimating the times for actions. This allows for an educated guess as to the length of the film and each scene. It helps to determine whether or not a film is on schedule. The numbers on the right are actual timings made during filming. |